Guidelines for Moving to a New City

Moving to a new place, whether in another state completely or even a town over, is almost always a staggering experience. Your routine is all out of whack with none of your usually nearby comfort places. Unfortunately, without dishing out a ton of money there is no stress-free guarantee when moving. There are however small and easy tips to follow in order to ease some stress off which anyone can follow.

Stay Ahead of Stress

The best way to beat stress is to avoid it altogether. There is one simple rule here for anyone moving in today’s technological driven society: call your service provider as soon as you can, even if you are not moving in for some time. These installation and set-up appointments book up quickly at the beginning of the month due to rental turnovers. Having the peace of mind that at the very least you will have electricity and Wi-Fi is a massive stress reliever.

 Stay in Your Comfort Zone

The best way to navigate your new city is by “cyber-stalking” your neighborhood. Any new resident should use a helpful app like Yelp or Groupon to expand their new horizons by not only experiencing some of the top rated attractions near your new home with a great deal. This way you won’t have to worry about finding new activities after moving in.

Use Work for More Than Networking

Love it or hate it, work is a great place to meet locals from all different backgrounds with varying interests and hobbies. Chances are, there is someone at your job who has lived in your new city for a while with similar interests who can show you the lay of the land.

If you work remote or freelance, there are still great ways to benefit when working in a new city. There are websites and apps like Desks Near Me which provide local co-working spaces, which is a great place to meet new people. The upside of working remotely you can try several places till you find a spot you prefer and that you are not restricted by your workplace.

Take Initiative

The hardest part about getting used to your new environment is allowing yourself to get comfortable. New places are scary and it’s not always easy figuring out who to start relationships with. Half the battle is saying yes; Saying yes can change an ordinary day to the story of how you met your best friend, partner, etc.…

Don’t be afraid to join groups, be set up with dates, or even friend dates. There always comes a time when someone tells you about their friend who has the same quirky interest or hobby. Ask to hangout out as a group! Most people are friendlier than you think and are always open to making more positive relationships. 

Take Time & Stay Connected

If all else fails, just give yourself some time. Settling in can tough, but before you know it know months can fly by and you have a whole routine and new comfort spots incorporated into your daily life.

In the meantime, stay connected to friends from your previous city. Those relationships are still important. Visits back home can serve as both rejuvenation time and a chance to reconnect with your roots.


– Richard Zarrilli, Jr.