Finding a Job After College

It’s finally the spring semester of your senior year in college. Graduation is drawing near the finish line. You did it!

But what’s next…?

As a senior in his last semester of college, I can honestly say the next part is pretty intimidating. So like everyone from my generation, I turned to the interest and found the best tips for scoring a job after college.


Customize Your Résumé

The idea of mass producing a résumé for multiple job applications seems like a “too good to be true” method for job hunting; which is exactly what this method is.

Employers look for those who stand out or make an impression. Tailoring your résumé is a basic first step in making sure you stand out from the crowd. Adding details such as the hiring manager’s name, or even the title position for the company, already show a level of detail most others overlook.


Check for New Jobs Regularly

The internet should be your best friend when it comes to finding your first “grown-up” job after college. Tell the internet how you once thought about working in the medical field, even though you graduated with an English degree.

Spend more time exploring all fields and seeing how your degree fits in other industries. Scouring several websites should be a top priority since not all employers use the same job search engine.


Use Networking

Everyone’s heard the phrase, “it’s all about who you know.” Like many other clichés, it’s so overused because it’s true. Networking as a skill can drastically alter your job search.

From hometown connections, through school, extracurricular activities, or work, all the way through your Alumni network at college, simply reaching out to past connections can open up new opportunities.


Elevator Pitch

This final tip is perhaps the most valuable to take away. Craft an Elevator Pitch. There is no greater tool to have than being able to market yourself to prospective employers in a timely, professional manner.

The idea here is to be prepared since life can be unpredictable as if an interview can happen at the drop of a hat. Interview-ready means always being ready to impress. A quick 30-second introduction to you or your work in a clear, concise manner could turn an elevator ride into a new job.


– Richard Zarrilli, Jr.


Sources: Forbes Balance Careers Mind Tools Monster