Cheap Closet Storage Hacks for Your New Apartment

New job, new apartment, new wardrobe, no space!

imagesAs young professionals, we have a lot of clothes and accessories. We need our professional work clothes and shoes, our sweats and workout gear, our relaxing with friends outfits, and of course our snazzy going out on the town clothes. Not to mention that since we are in New England, the temperature fluctuates more than most places over the course of a week. Here are a few great tips to make the most out of your small closet space in order to fit anything and everything you need.

  • Detail Your Door:

    • use hooks for belts, purses, scarves, and even jewelry, as well as find a good shoe organizer that can attach itself easily and is not too bulky. This will save clutter at the floor of your closet, and make it easier to grab that one belt you need as you run out the door.
  • Double the Hanging Space: 

    • Portable rods are easy to find at Bed Bath and Beyond, and you can stick them with super putty right to your walls. This is good for hanging shirts and pants that can fold over, because now instead of all that awkward space between the shirts and the floor, you have now doubled that space.
  • Hooks on the Sides: 

    • Buying hooks from a cheap place or even using shower curtain hooks and attaching them to the side of your closet walls allows for accessories to be out of the way, or even a fancier dress or suit you don’t want in between all your other clothes.
  • Shelving: 

    • If you have the money, definitely self-install shelving. It’s not too hard to do alone and if you follow instructions and block out a good chunk of time for it, it’ll be easy. You can also do it pretty cheaply if you get wood and create them yourself.
  • Double Up: 

    • For smaller/thinner items, a very easy thing to do is put two shirts/two skirts on the same hanger. If they are not the kind of article of clothing that gets damaged, it’s definitely worth it and hangers can sometimes clog up a closet more than one thinks.

With these few tips, you’ll be amazed to see how much more you can fit in such a small space. This way you won’t need to pick and choose which clothes you keep in your apartment, and you can have your full wardrobe at your finger tips.