How to Compromise with your Roommate

Roommates_ImageThere are a lot of little roommate compromises one doesn’t think about when moving in with someone, whether it be a close friend or a complete stranger.

Here are some obstacles you two will come across that are easy to face, but it is crucial to be aware and ready for those compromises:

First off, guests. Guests can be the same sex or opposite sex, and it honestly doesn’t matter who it is, because boundaries should be drawn out and compromises need to be made.

It is important to ask your roommate ahead of time (not just 10 minutes) that you want to have a guest over. This way they can see what day/night works best for them, they can make other sleeping arrangements if they so choose, help you lay out something for your guest to sleep on, inquire as to who it is and how long they’ll be staying, and so on and so forth. A full conversation face-to-face is in order anytime guests come into the picture, because a 2 second text might make the other roommate feel uncomfortable and displaced in their own home.

Food is actually a huge debate when it comes to roommates.

Who pays for what groceries? Do you share food? Can you eat food in different rooms of the place? Are their allergies? If theres no fridge, who is buying it?

These are all questions to lay out ahead of time so conflicts don’t arise in the middle of the night when you catch your roommate eating your leftover thai food from the night before.

Bedtime/study/party hours.

If you both are not on similar sleep and day schedules, that is perfectly okay, but there becomes a problem when you have to be up at 7am for work and your roommate is in the other room partying with 4 friends loudly at 2am.

Respecting each other’s daily routine is not as easy as one may think, because everyone has different things going on and doesn’t want to cancel plans or lose sleep just because they didn’t want to speak up to their roommate. If your roommate wants to party on a night where you simply cannot have the noise, suggest they go to another apartment but next time it is fine if they are there.

Breaking and damaging items that aren’t yours can be an issue, especially if those items are pricey.

While you may think that because the items are in your space too that it isn’t necessarily your fault and money that needs to fix the damage, it needs to be. Man up, it was your fault, and who knows, your roommate could be extremely understanding and not want you to purchase or fix the item. Make sure however that they do know you are willing to pay for whatever happened, because they might be uncomfortable confronting you.

Living with roommates can be very tough, and while we’ve all done it in college, it seems different once we have our own places and are doing things on our own. No longer can an RA or parent help fight your battles for you, so be brave and do it yourself. Living with roommates is an easy way to save money on rent, make friends, and learn life lessons on how to deal with conflicts you’ve never dealt with before. Having a roommate will never be perfect, but it is a maturing process that we are more than happy to help you deal with at Vibe Residential. We can help you and a roommate find your spot.